Like a Helpless Child, Hope in the LORD

Today’s reflection resonated to me deeply.

This goes to all the first time moms and parents out there like me.

Three weeks ago, I gave birth to my firstborn, a precious baby girl who holds the name “Talitha Havviva”. Her name are from the Hebrew words in which direct translations mean “Little Girl, Well-Loved”.

Her name to me is a personal reminder of how Jesus loves us intimately and so dearly. And this love is like no other because it is the kind that gives up everything, an example demonstrated to us by Jesus on His excruciating and undeserved death on the cross, as being obedient to the Father, for His glory and for our reconciliation and restoration back to the Holy Father, our Maker, our King.

The first time I saw my baby’s face in the delivery room, while my consciousness is highly groggy, exhausted and weak, It didn’t miss to shower me joy and pride and a feeling of celebration as I gazed upon her and heard her first cries along with the cheerful welcome of the team of nurses and doctors with me (what a glimpse of heaven!)

But the past three weeks was not all bliss and glory. The reality of nursing a new born baby does not come easy. It’s tiring, depriving, frustrating and despairing. All because of the cluelessness and helplessness of an inexperience mother to take care and protect a very fragile life in her hands.

I found myself in fear. The fear of endangering the life of my little girl if I mess up or make poor and wrong choices for her.

I easily become mad at myself whenever my clumsiness strikes and disturbs or discomforts her.

I cry for help and desperation whenever she is restless and I can’t nor even know what to do to calm her and help her sleep.

I feel guilty of the indifferent nature my flesh has that when I’m succumbed with exhaustion and need for sleep, I don’t want to hold her yet but rather to scream and let it all out of me and ask make these all end please!

To the mommas, and papas out there, we are not alone, because in this river of inadequacy and weakness, we shall cross, as our LORD our GOD gave a promise we can hold.

Today I read Psalm 131 to my baby girl and I was stunned at how undeniably God spoke to me to remind me of how I should become in this season and who He is that holds me.

This short yet powerful chapter says..

How powerful, current and alive the Words of the LORD are that it pierces through our hearts, and sheds light to our troublesome minds.

I’m sure just by reading that Psalm you feel not just uplifted but directed.

The very being that puts us into helplessness is actually the very being that God wants us to become in regards to turning these feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness and fear into a natural dependence of trust and hope to our Lord God Almighty.

Like a new born baby or a child fully dependent on her mother to be fed of milk, for comfort, for security, in all humility, let us Hope in the LORD.

We are not sufficient but God is.

We are clueless but God is certain and His Words are full of Wisdom that lights our paths.

We are powerless but God is strong and mighty, and according to His strength, He will empower us.

Our bodies are limited and prone to tarry, but the yoke of God is light and easy and He invites us to take it in.

So dear parents, first time mommas and papas out there, let us Hope in the LORD for His promises are not just for this lifetime but for eternity.

O Israel, hope in the Lord;

For with the Lord there is lovingkindness,

And with Him is abundant redemption.

– Psalm 130:7

Sharing here some precious moments of us.

One last thing.. ENJOY mamahood and papa hood!

God bless us all and to Him all Glory, power and Dominion!

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